Progress Report - 1

I moved to New Orleans two weeks ago. So far so good. I've met up with old buddies and made a few new ones. I went to some events in Baton Rouge - Live After 5 and the Louisiana Book Festival. Staying true to my frugal blood, both events were FREE.

I also just found a potluck club through Yelp.com with some foodies that meet on Sundays. They also tweet so I stay on top of things that way. Actually, there are quite a few good tweeters about New Orleans like @NOLABroadSquad, @NOLAforFREE, @StayLocal, @NOLAonthecheap, @BudgetNOLA etc.

So far I've made a dent in the list of 100 people to meet:

  1. Architectural Product Sales Rep
  2. Architectural Product Sales Rep
  3. Interior Design Classmate
  4. Website Managing Director/ Newbie to NOLA
  5. Retired Social Worker Friend of a Parent
  6. Retired French Translator Friend of a Parent
  7. Neuroscientist Friend of Friend
  8. Director of Interior Design at LSU
  9. Professor of Interior Design at LSU
  10. Landscape Architect Friend
  11. Highschool Classmate hadn't seen since then
  12. Medical Doctor Friend of Friend
I have a few more set up and an informational-we're-not-hiring-but-i-hope-they'll-hire-me-anyway interview. Wish me luck!


Granny Sue said...

frugal + pals = fun

GrannySue said...

how's the potluck club coming?

Bugeyed Lindsay said...

I'm not going to the Potluck this month. Too many other excuses to eat during the holidays. I friend I met on Twitter is trying to start a brunch one so I may do that this weekend. The theme is bacon.

Waffle Recipes said...

Lovvely post

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